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Film & TV an der Havelchaussee

Anker 1

Pioneering in bringing  film production back to post war Berlin, ARCA Filmateliers expanded its studio activities from West Germany to Berlin. 

Space and recources were limited - especially in West-Berlin. An old damaged ballroom, that was used for amusement during the late 1800's and early 1900´s, was turned into a sound stage for filming. Stage one was created.

A history of filming at the Havelchaussee studios...


Life before film...

Before loosing its beauty to the war and the following reconstruction, "Seeschloss Pichelsberg" was a place for amusement. A little castle situated on the Havel River, with a big beer garden and a glamorous ballroom.


Films, Stars and Oscar Directors...

Wim Wenders, Bruno Ganz
  " Der Himmel über Berlin"
Volker Schlöndorff, Mario Adorf
Percy Adlon
  "Mahler auf der Couch"

Kristen Steward


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Bread and butter

In the 50's and 60's Germans loved romantic Heimatfilme. many were produced in by Arca Filmateliers in Göttingen and in Berlin. Amongst them a popular series of movies called "Ferien auf Immenhof"


TV - early years

Many still remember the old days of TV entertainment, with the german version of "Wheel of Fortune" airing for many years from stages 1 & 2. At Havelstudios HD production was already implemented in times of analog production. But early adoption didn´ tmean that TV station were paying for the extra perks. An ambitious project led to bankruptcy. Others followed over the years.


Innovating TV-Standards

With cine cameras becoming digital and widely available, esthetics changed. The Film-Look was adapted in TV- and documentary film production. At Havelstudios we started adapting super 35mm (cine) format cameras and lenses in Multicam production for a new look also in talk and late-night formats.


Old walls, new technology

A peaceful setting by the water, historic architecture and continuously updated production technology make Havelstudios a sought after production facility for all current productions such as movies, commercials, music videos, TV shows, series and photo shoots. 


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